YD Computer Art

YD Computer Art

Understanding Anime..... The Beginnings

The field of televised Japanese animation, popularly known as “anime” (pronounced ah-nee-may, a word derived from the French term for animation), has always led a curious double life. While anime is often considered to be the quintessential expression of Japanese culture, its greatest documents are scandalously un-Japanese. Unlike the Japanese manga or comic strip, which is rooted in Japan’s centuries-old traditions of woodcut carvings and graphic prints, anime is the purest product of the multinational era.

Spawned in the 1960s by Japan’s postwar media boom, anime quickly became one of the most innovative sites of the multinational video culture. Early anime series such as Osamu Tezuka’s Tetsuwan Atomu [Astro Boy] (1963) derived much of their visual inspiration from the classic Disney and Warner Brothers cartoons, while scriptwriters drew deeply from the well of Western European and US science fiction narratives. By the early 1970s, anime had begun to develop its own unique array of forms, ranging from the teenage martial arts comedy to the human-piloted robot adventure or “mecha” tale. By the mid-1980s, anime had transformed a complex blend of Japan’s indigenous manga culture, US science-fiction and animation, European scriptwriting and theater, and the editing techniques of the Hong Kong martial arts films into a whole new art-form. Today, the anime culture has become one of the heavyweights of the global media industry.1

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Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Wild Photo Effects

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# Over 40 creative photo tools are collected here, to turn a typical photo into a funny, wacky picture
# Use Catastrophe Tools to add explosions, pinches and punches to your photos
# Shrink and deflate people and object, or grow & magnify them until they fill the entire photo
# Include Hook, Hammer & Drill effects, or Storm tools like tornado, wind, ripples, waves and blots -- the possibilities are endless
# You can even create a brief animation and morph your family & friends into monsters and aliens!

Effects tools come in three different sizes for precision editing. You can apply the effect to the whole picture or just to small parts of the picture. Apply just one effect or apply them all to a photo. Each effect tool is customizable.

You can set the intensity to add as little or as much effect as you desire. Don't worry if you add too much of an effect because it can be undone with the click of your mouse.

Record each step and each effect to make a movie that will morph the photo from normal to wacked out. Vary the speed on the playback for a good chuckle!

When you've completed your zany picture, you can save it as a new picture file so your original isn't altered. Then print it, email it as a final picture, movie or animated picture.

Take a snapshot of your friends or family, add bug eyes and big noses and suddenly you have the ultimate tool to embarrass them! Family reunion and season party pictures will never be boring a! gain.

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